Elder Hamm, Elder C and Elder L (former companion) |
First for Dad's Question:
How do you watch conference? Do you watch in Portuguese or English? We watch it in the chaple in portuguese. We´re in brazil dude ;) Haha
MAN!! SOO many things are happening this week this next week is gonna be crazy. so were all waiting for the call to be transfered and the assistante calls and is like, well there's gonna be a big change in Cascitinha... first off Elder J was called as a LD then he said, Elder Hamm and Elder C, your area is now closed. Elder Hamm you will stay in Cascitinha and be companions with Elder H... So now our areas are combined into one area and its just me and H-Man in our house. Hahaha sooooo im excited for this next transfer.
MAN!! SOO many things are happening this week this next week is gonna be crazy. so were all waiting for the call to be transfered and the assistante calls and is like, well there's gonna be a big change in Cascitinha... first off Elder J was called as a LD then he said, Elder Hamm and Elder C, your area is now closed. Elder Hamm you will stay in Cascitinha and be companions with Elder H... So now our areas are combined into one area and its just me and H-Man in our house. Hahaha sooooo im excited for this next transfer.
But yeah my birthday was pretty normal... We knocked some doors, visited our investigators, then Irma A called and told us to swing by her house where she made a cake and some brigadeiro. It was pretty sweet. Then she tried to egg me and put flower on me cause thats what they do in brazil for birthdays but I convinced her not to...

Sooo this week we were teaching a family and the dad´s been in the hospital in a coma for some time now so we went with the family saturday to give him a blessing but only 2 can enter at a time so we enter into this room with a man with 1,000 tubes in his body and were like... e agora? What now? So we offer a prayer to get the spirit and I felt the impression that we should explane what this blessing is and who we are. So I kinda sheepishly start to say, hi, Im Elder Hamm here with Elder C and we're missionaries. And my comp just kinda goes with it and so we explain in like 2 minutes what this blessing is and then we give him the blessing and leave. We later find out that he can understand everything cause when his mom talks to him he cries. And she'll say like close this mouth of yours and in a minute or two he'll close his mouth. So that was pretty cool.
Elder Hamm