Easter was pretty normal. Everyone exchanges chocolate here its kinda annoying. But yeah
Man General Conference was pretty sick but there are a few things I dont like about conference on the mission. First off, it is a hugggggeeee trigger for me to be homesick because I remember what we do during conference and I miss sitting at home on our sofa watching conference in my pj´s.
Secondly, Portuguese has a tense that's called Subjunctive tense. It is suppppper annoying and has certain triggers when you should use it. Its like hypothetical, if then, desires, feeling, dreams, and a lot more stuff. The prophets use this tense, WAAAYYY too much. so that makes it super hard to understand.
But yeah for Easter everyone kinda exchanges chocolate and stuff. Sunday we had lunch at Irmão J's house and when we got there he was cookin meat on the grill so that was super exciting. We had barbeque meat for lunch and then they gave us chocolate! so the second session of conference Sunday was hard to stay awake. haha
But yeah this week was pretty normal. I got to know the other side of my new area. There's this area called Bela Vista which means beautiful sight and man is it a beautiful sight (Thats where we took the pictures) and we're also helping 3 people be ready to be baptized this Saturday so hopefully one of them can stop smoking to be baptized. haha but yeah
Me and Elder H are good. Working hard. Last night we had a card that said #porqueelevive that was about Christ and the resurrection so we handed out those cards for an hour last night. It was pretty funny cause we didn't let anyone pass. haha at times we ran across the road to the other side to snag someone.
But yeah just work as usual. I love you guys. I was pretty trunky this week but that's life. Love you
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