What do you find that you don’t miss at all that you thought you would miss before you went on your mission? hmm well theirs a lot of things I thought I wouldNT miss that Im missing...? Like peanutbutter.
You said more people in your new area have cars, how are the drivers there? They drive like they drive in India.. crazy. Motors swerving in and out of lanes and really with whatever rules they want. haha
What music is on the radio there – do you hear US music as you walk around? They like Funk here its like super explicit with the same beat but they also like songs in english so I hear a lot of popular music on the streets here.
Sooo lets start off with last monday, so right after we left the house we went over to the second counselor in the stake presidency and we had bbq! haha it was super good but a little different than the US. I´ll send you a pic.
Then we went wayyyy out into the boonies for lunch this week and when we got there this family (who thinks im gonna marry their daughter who gets home from her mission in 20ish days) has a bunch of land and a parrot that talks like crazyyy. its sick so its like 2 hours walking to get there so we take a bus. The only problem is that the only bus that passes there passes at like 11 and then again at 3 in the afternoon so we were there for 3 ish hours. so we visited some of their neighbors and stuff. haha but it was way sick i´ll show you guys a pic.
Then we also Baptized a lady who has 83 years!! Shes super awesome and the missionaries have been working with her for about a year and she just felt like she wasnt ready. So one day we were over there and she was talking to us about something random and I was already feeling like crap cause I was sick and stuff so I just wanted to go in on her and the spirit kinda hit me in the back of the head and was like, listen and you might learn something. So I kinda sat up and started listening to what she was saying and she was talking about a dream she had about a man in white and some big gates and stuff and in that moment I just started explaining that the man in white was my companion waiting to baptize her and that the gates are the gates of heaven and stuff and I just started to interpret
her dream just going off the promptings of the spirit. it was suppper sick and super spiritual. so yeah
But yeah this week were going over to a hugggge house for pday to play some ball and chill out and stuff. The lady there is like 70 and lives alone in a mansion so this should be fun, well do some exploring and take some pictures. haha love you guys!! miss you all tons
Elder Hamm
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